4 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of blended learning technologies in higher educational institutions

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    The need for research into the effective application of blended learning technologies and evaluation of its effectiveness for universities, students, teachers and society is determined by little experience in the use of blended technologies. Consequently, the aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of blended learning models for student learning in view of the specifics of academic subjects. The research involved the methods of survey, simulation, pedagogical experiment, mathematical statistics. The following models were involved in the studies of the first- and fourth-year students of the higher educational institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine during the semester: rotational, Enriched Virtual model, and a combination of rotational model to study professional subjects and Enriched Virtual model to study humanities. Conclusions. The use of performance evaluation tools allows determining the state of readiness of the educational institution and students for involving blended technologies. Prospects. The results of the study can be compared with the following studies of the effectiveness of other blended learning models for students of different majors, determining the effectiveness of blended learning in general. Other levels of effectiveness of blended learning — operational, strategic management — are unresolved issues

    Effectiveness of blended learning technologies in higher educational institutions

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    The need for research into the effective application of blended learning technologies and evaluation of its effectiveness for universities, students, teachers and society is determined by little experience in the use of blended technologies. Consequently, the aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of blended learning models for student learning in view of the specifics of academic subjects. The research involved the methods of survey, simulation, pedagogical experiment, mathematical statistics. The following models were involved in the studies of the first-and fourth-year students of the higher educational institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine during the semester: rotational, Enriched Virtual model, and a combination of rotational model to study professional subjects and Enriched Virtual model to study humanities. Conclusions. The use of performance evaluation tools allows determining the state of readiness of the educational institution and studentsfor involving blended technologies.Prospects. The results of the study can be compared with the following studies of the effectiveness of other blended learning models for students of different majors, determining the effectiveness of blended learning ingeneral. Other levels of effectiveness of blended learning —operational, strategic management —are unresolved issues

    To the Question About the Problem of Management of Education Abroad: Terminological Aspect

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    Метою статті є аналіз трактування термінів і понять у сфері управління освітою, що використовуються в зарубіжжі. На основі вивчення та аналізу праць зарубіжних та вітчизняних дослідників, ознайомлення з концептом управління, розробленим такими міжнародними агенціями, як ЮНЕСКО, ПРООН, ОЕСР, Світовий банк проведено термінологічний аналіз таких понять, як «менеджмент», «управління», «адміністрування». Виявлено посилення вертикального управлінського блоку під час збереження традиційного управління на рівні місцевих органів освіти в Англії. Зроблено висновок, що систему управління шкільною освітою можна трактувати як цілісне утворення, що динамічно розвивається й складається з підсистем, які взаємодіяють узгоджено та є взаємопов’язаними.The purpose of the article is to analyze the interpretation of terms and concepts in the field of education management used abroad. Transformational processes in the management of education in the last quarter of the 20th – early 21-st centuries are characterized by a movement towards multidimensionality. In the context of the struggle for quality improvement, the classical model of school management is being transformed into a multilevel one, which, in addition to the local national levels, also includes elements of internal school management and public private partnership. It intensifies the research in the field of education management, stimulating new ideas in a market-oriented philosophy of educational services and open educational space in the world and in Ukraine. The author has analyzed the studies of foreign and domestic researchers, acquainted with the concept of governance developed by UNESCO, international agencies such as World Bank, Organization for Economic Community and Development, etc., carried out terminological analysis of concepts such as “management”, “governance”, “administration”. The analysis has shown strengthening of the vertical management block in terms of existence of the above-mentioned multilevel approach to the studied pedagogical reality and at the same time preservation of traditional management at the level of local bodies of education in England. In particular, the Eurydice study presents governance at the central/regional and local levels, as well as at the school level. Thus, the key notions of research- «system», «management», «governance» in the projection to the field of education are the subject of research of both domestic and foreign scientists. Based on the above mentioned analysis, the school education management system can be interpreted as a holistic, dynamic and exposed formation that is developing dynamically and consists of subsystems that interact in a coordinated and interconnected manner. Its purpose is to formulate, implement and evaluate educational policy, as well as governance at various levels (national, regional, local) through management institutions

    Реформування фінансової системи України в умовах євроінтеграційних процесів

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    Дослідження сучасного стану функціонування фінансової системи України та оцінка перспектив її розвитку в умовах євроінтеграційних реформ, обґрунтування заходів щодо забезпечення ефективного розвитку її складовихИсследование современного состояния функционирования финансовой системы Украины и оценка перспектив ее развития в условиях евроинтеграционных реформ, обоснование мероприятий по обеспечению эффективного развития ее составляющихThe purpose of the work is to study the current state of the working of the financial system of Ukraine and assess the prospects for its development in the context of European integration reforms, as well as to substantiate measures to ensure the effective development of its component